Źródło opisu
Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Filmy i seriale
6-go Sierpnia 23 (W34)
ZWM 5 (W45)
Koński Jar 10 (W109)
Nugat 4 (W112)
Nugat 4 (W112 Oddział dla Dzieci)
Braci Wagów 1 (W127)
Wasilkowskiego 7 (W128)
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Cybisa 6 (W134)
Kłobucka 14 (W135)
K.E.N. 21 (W139)
Cybisa 6 (Mediateka)
Barwna 8 (BD9)
Follett, Ken (1949- )
Królicki, Zbigniew A. (1954- )
Kołodziejczyk, Grzegorz
Manicki, Jacek (1951-2014)
Sitek, Grzegorz
Ochab, Janusz (1971- )
Szulc, Andrzej
Follett, Ken (1949- ). Pillars of the Earth (ang.)
Follett, Ken (1949- ). Stulecie
Nowakowski, Witold (1959-2008)
Dobrzańska-Gadowska, Anna
Gosztyła, Krzysztof (1956- )
Wroczyński, Michał
Follett, Ken (1949- ). Century Trilogy (ang.)
Macfadyen, Matthew
McShane, Ian
Mimica-Gezzan, Sergio
Morris, Trevor
Redmayne, Eddie
Szalay, Attila
Błażejczyk, Wojciech (1981- )
Kędzierski, Sławomir
Garztecki, Juliusz Witold (1920-2017)
Grant, Richard E
Kuśmider, Szymon (1967- )
Leszczyński, Andrzej (tłumacz)
Madaliński, Michał (tłumacz)
Morozov, S
Pawlicki, Antoni (1983- )
Uhrynowska-Hanasz, Zofia (1934- )
Bluszcz, Przemysław (1970- )
Bonaszewski, Mariusz (1964- )
Bosak Marcin (1979-)
Ciołkosz, Paweł (1982- )
Cyrwus, Piotr (1961- )
Dreher, Tina
Drojewski, Grzegorz (1983- )
Drzymalska, Sandra. (1993- )
Dąbrowska, Katarzyna (1984- )
Follett, Ken (1949- ). Century (pol.)
Follett, Ken, (1949- )
Frąc, Cezary (1967- )
Gierszał, Jakub (1988- ). Wykonanie
Hamkało, Aleksandra (1988- )
Herman, Katarzyna (1971- )
Honchera, Karolina (1980- ). Wykonanie
Hycnar, Jędrzej
Koleśnik, Magdalena (1990- )
Królicki, Zbigniew A. (1954)
Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof (1986- )
Lee, John
Melzer, Wojciech (1998- )
Mikołajczyk, Maciej (1984- )
Musiał, Maciej (1995- )
Nakoniecznik, Arkadiusz
Ochab, Janusz (1981- )
Raźniak, Waldemar (1982- )
Rullkötter, Bernard
Rycembel, Eliza (1992- )
Sajma, Elena
Schmidt, Dietmar
Schumacher, Rainer
Simlat, Łukasz (1977- )
Sokołowska, Anita (1976- )
Stażyński, Robert
Stenka, Danuta (1961- )
Szczepaniak, Krzysztof (1989- )
Szymański, Konrad. (1995- )
Targowska-Grabińska, Małgorzata
Tetevin, V
Trzepiecińska, Joanna (1965- )
Walczak, Marek (1965- )
Więdłocha, Agnieszka (1986- )
Zborowski, Wiktor (1951- )
Zbrojewicz, Mirosław (1957- )
Šukšina, E.V
Żurawski, Michał (1979- )
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
14-17 lat
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura angielska
Powieść angielska
Język angielski
Dramat (film)
Film historyczny
Film kanadyjski
Film niemiecki
Film obyczajowy
I wojna światowa (1914-1918)
II wojna światowa (1939-1945)
Wojna stuletnia (1337-1453)
Broń jądrowa
Język rosyjski
Konflikt międzynarodowy
Prześladowania religijne
Konflikt religijny
Powieść historyczna
Rewolucja lutowa (1917)
Sojusze polityczno-wojskowe
Sukcesja tronu
Wojna domowa
Zabójstwo polityczne
Zimna wojna
Agenci FBI
Czarna śmierć (Europa)
DuchowieństwoWojna stuletnia (1337-1453)
Dziennikarstwo śledcze
Handel dziełami sztuki
Język niemiecki
Kryzys gospodarczy
Kryzys polityczny
Powieść szpiegowska
Przestępczość zorganizowana
Ruch oporu
Secret Intelligence Service
Tajni współpracownicy służb specjalnych
Trzecia Rzesza (1933-1945)
Wojna domowa w Hiszpanii (1936-1939)
Wywiad angielski
Wyścig zbrojeń
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Anglia (Wielka Brytania)
Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Wielka Brytania
Kingsbridge (Wielka Brytania ; okolice)
Londyn (Wielka Brytania)
Afryka Północna
Berlin (Niemcy)
Kingsbridge (Wielka Brytania)
Petersburg (Rosja)
Waszyngton (Stany Zjednoczone, DC)
Wirginia (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Powieść historyczna
Powieść angielska
Powieść obyczajowa
Saga rodzinna
Powieść młodzieżowa angielska
Powieść polityczna
Powieść szpiegowska
121 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Code to Zero / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2001. - [4], 468 stron ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Three days that could change the world's political landscape ...A man wakes up to find himself lying on the ground in a railway station, his mind stripped bare of all recollection. He has no idea how he got there. He does not even know his own name. Convinced he is a drunken down and out, it isn't until a newspaper report about a satellite launch catches his eye that he begins to suspect all is not what it seems ...The year is 1958, and America is about to launch its first satellite, in a desperate attempt to match the Soviet Sputnik and regain the lead in the space race. As Luke Lucas gradually unravels the mystery of his amnesia, he realizes that his fate is bound up with that of the rocket that stands ready on launch pad 26B at Cape Canaveral. And as he relearns the story of his life, he uncovers long-kept secrets about his wife, his best friend and the woman he once loved more than life itself...
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
A Dangerous Fortune / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2011. - [4], 596 stron ; 20 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
In 1866, tragedy strikes at the exclusive Windfield School. A young student drowns in a mysterious accident involving a small circle of boys. The drowning and its aftermath initiates a spiraling circle of treachery that will span three decades and entwine many loves. . . From the exclusive men's club and brothels that cater to every dark desire of London's upper classes to the dazzling ballrooms and mahogany-paneled suites of the manipulators of the world's wealth, Ken Follett conjures up a stunning array of contrasts. This breathtaking novel portrays a family splintered by lust, bound by a shared legacy. . . men and women swept toward a perilous climax where greed, fed by the shocking truth of a boy's death, must be stopped, or not just one man's dreams, but those of a nation, will die. . .
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr.H. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Eye of the Needle / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2009. - X, 464 strony ; 20 cm.
His weapon is the stiletto, his codename: The Needle. He is Hitler's prize undercover agent - a cold and professional killer. It is 1944 and weeks before D-Day. The Allies are disguising their invasion plans with a phoney armada of ships and planes. Their plan would be ruined if an enemy agent found out...and then The Needle does just that. Hunted by MI5, he leads a murderous trail across Britain to a waiting U-Boat. But he hasn't planned for a storm-battered island, and the remarkable young woman who lives there. "Eye of the Needle", an international bestseller, is a heart-racingly exciting tale about the fate of the war resting in the hands of a master spy, his opponent and a brave woman.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Hammer of Eden / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1999. - [2], 551 stron ; 18 cm.
This is the question that troubles hotshot young FBI agent Judy Maddox in Ken Follett's hold-your breath new thriller. Judy's boss has a grudge against her, so he gives her a dumb assignment: to investigate an annonymous threat from a group that claims that it can trigger earthquakes. Judy's research leads her to maverick seismologist Michael Quercus, who tells her it is possible for an earthquake to be caused deliberately. And when a tremor in a remote desert area shows signs of being machine-generated, Judy knows he was right. But who is responsible for the earthquake? Judy must find out before another tremor strikes. Helped by the erratic but attractive Michael, she races to pinpoint the terrorists' next target before they trigger the ultimate disaster. With THE HAMMER OF EDEN Ken Follett is at the top of his form, delivering a state-of-the-art suspense thriller to rival his best work.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Hornet Flight / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2009. - [2], 582 syrony ; 20 cm.
In June 1941 a baffling Luftwaffe radio message mentioning a new invention with the code name Freya (the Viking goddess of love) is picked up by the decoders of Allied intelligence. Hermia Mount, a British intelligence analyst, suspects the existence of an experimental radar station on the coast of Denmark. Meanwhile, young Harald Olufsen, a brilliant Danish student, has spotted an unusual installation near his island home. Unable to resist a challenge, Harald is soon drawn into Hermia's investigation but, when he finally learns the truth, he finds the only way of getting to England with the information is in a near-derelict Hornet Moth biplane, mouldering away in the nave of a ruined church...
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Jackdaws / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2009. - [2], 595 stron ; 20 cm.
Two weeks before D-Day, the French Resistance attacks a chateau containing a telephone exchange vital to German communications - but the building is heavily guarded and the attack fails disastrously. Flick Clairet, a young British secret agent, proposes a daring new plan: she will parachute into France with an all-woman team known as the 'Jackdaws' and they will penetrate the chateau in disguise. But, unknown to Flick, Rommel has assigned a brilliant, ruthless Intelligence colonel, Dieter Franck, to crush the Resistance. And Dieter is on Flick's trail...From Ken Follett, the master storyteller and best-selling author of Eye of the Needle and Code to Zero comes this exciting thriller, set against the menacing backdrop of the Second World War and crackling with suspense and action. Jackdaws is an irresistible novel of the Resistance and of love, courage and revenge.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Key to Rebecca / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1998. - [6], 480 stron ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
He is known to the Germans as 'Sphinx', to others as Alex Wolff, a European businessman. He arrives suddenly in Cairo from out of the desert, armed with a radio set, a lethal blade and a copy of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca-a ruthless man with a burning, relentless conviction that he will win at all costs. The stakes are high, for the survival of the British campaignin North Africa is in the balance. Only Major William Vandam, an intelligence officer, and the beautiful courtesan Elene can put an end ot Wolff's brilliant clandestine reports of British troop movements and strategic plans... As Rommel's troops come closer to victory, Vandam edges nearer to Wolff and the crucial key. Follett builds tension and suspense to a nerve-tearing pitch as he follows the adversaries across the infernal desert to a confrontation which will determine who wins-and loses-in this deathly struggle.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Lie Down with Lions / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1998. - [4], 488 stron : mapa ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Jane, a brave and sensual Englishwoman, is caught in a deadly romantic triangle between rival spies Ellis and Jean-Pierre. Love, hatred and deception sweep them from terrorist conspiracies in Paris to full-tilt guerilla warfare in Afghanistan. Jean-Pierre and Jane marry and go to work as doctors in the Valley of the Five Lions to help the rebels fighting for their freedom against the Russians. Trapped between extremes of violence, lust and danger, Jane desperately tries to get out of the line of fire. Help comes unexpectedly, from her husband's greatest enemy. They soon become the centre of the action, as treachery seeks its prey. Follet builds the menacing tension to breaking point, leading to a confrontation that echoes all our nightmares.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Man from St Petersburg / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2011. - [2], 454 strony ; 20 cm.
A dark tale of family secrets and political consequences. It is just before the outbreak of World War I and Britain must enlist the aid of Russia. Czar Nicholas's nephew is to visit London for secret naval talks with Lord Walden, who has lived in Russia and has a Russian wife, Lydia. But there are other people who are interested in the arrival of Prince Alexei: the Waldens' only daughter, Charlotte – wilful, idealistic, and with an awakening social conscience; Basil Thompson, head of the Special Branch; and, above all, Feliks Kschessinky, the ruthless Russian anarchist. No one could have foretold that Lydia should recognize Feliks, or that she might put her own daughter's life at risk for his sake. As the secret negotiations progress, the destinies of these characters become ineluctably enmeshed. And as Europe prepares for the catastrophe of war, the final private tragedy which will shatter the complacency of the Waldens is acted out.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Modigliani Scandal / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1996. - VIII, 279 stron ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Modigliani. Unarguably one of the greatest artists who ever lived. Modigliani's women. Those elongated, haunting figures, as eternally provocative as the Mona Lisa. Adn Modigliani's missing masterpiece. A priceless lost treasure - or a chillingly dangerous game? Up and coming artist Peter Usher has still to exhibit anywhere, still to make even the most modest mark on the London art scene. But as rumour turns to reality, Usher finds himself caught up in a race to uncover the shadowy figures behind a breathtaking scam. Will art genius ever be rewarded? Will the brush prove more deadly than the gun?
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Never / Ken Follett. - London : Pan Books, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, 2022. - 815, [3] strony ; 20 cm.
A shrinking oasis in the Sahara Desert; a stolen US Army drone; an uninhabited Japanese island; and one country's secret stash of deadly chemical – all these play roles in a relentlessly escalating crisis. Struggling to prevent the outbreak of world war are a young woman intelligence officer; a spy working undercover with jihadists; a brilliant Chinese spymaster; and Pauline herself, beleaguered by a populist rival for the next president election. This is an extraordinary novel, full of heroines and villains, false prophets and elite warriors, jaded politicians and opportunistic revolutionaries. It brims with cautionary wisdom for our times, and delivers a visceral, heart-pounding read that transports readers to the brink of the unimaginable.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Night Over Water / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1992. - 642 strony : ilustracje, mapa ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
As World War II begins, a luxury airliner - the Pan American Clipper - departs for New York with a group of passengers including an aristocratic family with a fortune in jewels, a handsome thief, and a murderer under FBI escort. Tension mounts, but inside the flying palace there is no escape.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
On Wings of Eagles / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1998. - XII, 606 stron : ilustracje, mapa ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
On Wings of Eagles is the account of an incredible rescue by a Green Beret colonel and a group of corporate executives hastily trained into a fighting team. When Ross Perot, millionaire head of the Dallas-based company EDS, discovered that two of his key men in Iran had been jailed, he turned to the one man in America who could help. Colonel 'Bull' Simons, famed World War II and Vietnam commando, agreed to do what the US government could not -- go in and get the men out. This is the stuff of Follet's fiction -- a secret penetration into a dangerous territory; a dramatic jailbreak; a harrowing overland escape to the Turkish border -- and all the more extraordinary because it is fact.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Paper Money / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1996. - VII, 286 stron ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Three seemingly unrelated events occur on a single morning in London. An MP wakes up after spending the night with a beautiful young woman. A tycoon meets a leading Bank of England official for breakfast. And an underworld gang boss briefs his crew. Nothing so far to keep the tabloid editors awake. Until ambitious young reporter Kevin Hart uncovers his first promising link...Because what is at stake is conspiracy: conspiracy to defraud, no matter what the human cost. On one unforgettable day in the world's financial capital, fortunes will be destroyed and ideals will be shattered by the discovery that the whole truth is too dangerous to print...
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
A Place Called Freedom / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2011. - [2], 565 stron ; 20 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
In a brutal world, charismatic rebel miner Mack McAsh – a slave by birth – is a man with the courage to stand up for what is right, and the strength to stick by his beliefs. Independent, rebellious Lizzie Hallim, meanwhile, is engaged to Jay Jamisson, the ruthless landlord's son and heir to an exploitative business empire. Born into separate worlds, Mack and Lizzie are thrown together when Mack becomes an enemy of the state and is forced to flee his homeland. Lizzie aids his escape, and it is not long before passions rage in the old world as well as the new. Set in an era of turbulent social changes, this is a magnificent novel from the undisputed master of suspense and drama.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr. H. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Third Twin / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1996. - [2], 632 strony ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
The third twin could be your lover, your friend ...or your killer. In the course of her work, scientist Jeannie Ferrami stumbles across a baffling mystery: Steve and Dan appear to be identical twins, but were born on different days, to different mothers. A law student and a convicted murderer, they seem a world apart, but as Jeannie begins to fall in love with Steve, she finds her professional - and personal - future threatened. Steve is accused of a terrible crime, and Jeannie is forced to question just how different the two men really are. Together, she and Steve investigate the mystery and uncover all the secrets. But perhaps some secrets are best left alone ...A thrilling, chilling story of hidden evil, set at the forefront of modern technology, The Third Twin is a heart-stopping, spine-tingling story from master of suspense, Ken Follett.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. K. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Triple / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 1998. - [4], 500 stron ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Triple is the riveting story of the most successful espionage coup - and best-kept secret - of this century. It is 1968. Israeli intelligence has learned that Egypt, with Soviet help, will develop atomic bombs within months - an untimely end for the young nation unless a source of uranium for Israeli bombs can be had in complete secrecy. Impossible, of course, unless someone as improbable as the plan can be found to steal it...Working alone, Israeli agent Nat Dickstein concocts an ingenious scenario for the biggest, and quietest, hijacking in history. Against him are the Russian KGB, Egyptian Intelligence and the Arab extremist Fedayeen. With him is a half-English, half-Arab young woman of uncertain allegiance, who discovers Dickstein's Achilles heel.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Whiteout / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2005. - 472 strony ; 18 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Human betrayal, medical terror and a race against time... Jealousies, distrust, and hidden rivalries uncover dark secrets, then a dozen vials of a deadly virus go missing. As a blizzard whips out of the north on Christmas Eve, several people converge on a remote family house. Stanley Oxenford, director of a pharmaceutical research company, has everything riding on a drug he is developing to fight a lethal virus. Several others are interested in his success too: his children, at home for Christmas with their offspring, have their eyes on the money he will make; Toni Gallo, head of his security team and recently forced to resign from the police, is betting her career on keeping it safe; an ambitious local television reporter sniffs a story, even if he has to bend the facts to tell it; and a violent trio of thugs are on their way to steal it, with a client already waiting. As the storm worsens and the group is laid under siege by the elements, the emotional sparks crackle and dark secrets are revealed that threaten to drive Stanley and his family apart for ever. an international bestselling author who is in a class by himself.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Edge of Eternity / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2015. - 1147, [1] strona ; 18 cm.
(Century Trilogy / Ken Follett ; 3)
As the decisions made in the corridors of power bring the world to the brink of oblivion, five families from across the globe are brought together in an unforgettable tale of passion and conflict during the Cold War. When Rebecca Hoffmann, a teacher in East Germany, finds herself pursued by the secret police, she discovers that she has been living a lie. Her younger brother, Walli, longs to escape across the Berlin Wall to Britain to become part of the burgeoning music scene. In the United States, George Jakes, a bright young lawyer in the Kennedy administration, is a fierce supporter of the Civil Rights movement - as is the woman he is in love with, Verena, who works for Martin Luther King, Jr. Boarding a Greyhound bus in Washington to protest against segregation, they begin a fateful journey together. Russian activist, Tania Dvorkin, narrowly evades capture for producing an illegal news sheet. Her actions are made all the more perilous as her brother, Dimka, is a rising star in the heart of the Communist Party in the Kremlin. From the deep south of America to the vast expanses of Siberia, from the shores of Cuba to the swinging streets of Sixties' London, Edge of Eternity is a sweeping tale of the fight for individual freedom in a world gripped by the mightiest clash of superpowers anyone has ever known.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr. H. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Fall of Giants / Ken Follett. - Wydanie 2. - London : Pan Books, 2011. - [2], 565 stron ; 20 cm.
(Century Trilogy / Ken Follett ; 1)
Five families are brought together through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution and the struggle for votes for women. It's 1911, and the coronation day of King George V. Thirteen-year-old Billy Williams begins his first day at work in a coal mine. Drama and intrique unfold as Fall of Giants moves seamlessly from Washington to St Petersburg, from the dirt and danger of a coal mine to the glittering chandeliers of a palace, from the corridors of power to the bedrooms of the mighty. As always, Ken Follett's richly developed historical background only enhances fast-moving action and powerful emotion of this absorbing narrative.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. Thr. H. (1 egz.)
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