Fabbri, Robert (1961- ). Vespasian (ang.)
Źródło opisu
Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Kotwica Wojciech
Christie, Agatha (1890-1976)
Kowalska Dorota
Fabbri, Robert (1961- ). Vespasian (ang.)
Zarawska, Patrycja (1970- )
Kochanowski Jan
Drewnowski, Jacek (1974- )
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916)
Żeleński, Tadeusz (1874-1941)
Mosiewicz-Szrejter, Maria (1971- )
King, Stephen (1947- )
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Fabianowska, Małgorzata
Popławska, Anna (filolog)
Cholewa, Piotr W. (1955- )
Braiter-Ziemkiewicz, Paulina (1968- )
Lindgren, Astrid (1907-2002)
Siemianowski, Roch (1950- )
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
Roberts, Nora (1950- )
Chotomska, Wanda (1929-2017)
Birek, Wojciech (1961- )
Ross, Tony (1938- )
Królicki, Zbigniew A. (1954- )
Steel, Danielle (1947- )
Goscinny, René (1926-1977)
Trzeciak Weronika
Konopnicka Maria
Mickiewicz, Adam (1798-1855)
Pratchett, Terry (1948-2015)
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Gawryluk, Barbara (1957- )
Zimnicka, Iwona (1963- )
Leśmian Bolesław
Krasicki Ignacy
Szulc, Andrzej
Kasdepke, Grzegorz (1972- )
Mazan, Maciejka
Ochab, Janusz (1971- )
Chmielewska, Joanna (1932-2013)
Domańska, Joanna (1970- )
Polkowski, Andrzej (1939-2019)
Żeromski, Stefan (1864-1925)
Prus, Bolesław (1847-1912)
Lem, Stanisław (1921-2006)
Mortka, Marcin (1976- )
Brzechwa, Jan (1900-1966)
Doyle, Arthur Conan (1859-1930)
Goliński Zbigniew
Cieślik, Donata
Dug Katarzyna
Ludwikowska, Jolanta (1962- )
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Beaumont, Émilie (1948- )
Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1874-1942)
Musierowicz, Małgorzata (1945- )
Rzehak, Wojciech (1967- )
Wiśniewska, Monika (tłumaczka)
Konopnicka, Maria (1842-1910)
Onichimowska, Anna (1952- )
Włodarczyk, Barbara
Coben, Harlan (1962- )
Grisham, John (1955- )
Kijowska, Elżbieta (1950- )
Stanecka, Zofia (1972- )
Dobrzańska-Gadowska, Anna
Miłosz, Czesław (1911-2004)
Webb, Holly
Widmark, Martin (1961- )
Skalska, Katarzyna
Kraśko, Jan (1954- )
Jansson, Tove (1914-2001)
Tolkien, J. R. R. (1892-1973)
Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924)
Christie, Agatha (1890-1976). Herkules Poirot
Oklejak, Marianna (1981- )
Simon, Francesca (1955- )
Słowacki, Juliusz (1809-1849)
Barańczak, Stanisław (1946-2014)
Górecka, Barbara (tłumaczka)
Stelmaszyk, Agnieszka (1976- )
Rusinek, Michał (1972- )
Hesko-Kołodzińska, Małgorzata
Iwaszkiewicz, Jarosław (1894-1980)
Jachowicz Stanisław
Kozak, Jolanta (1951- )
Rowling, J. K. (1965- )
Sparks, Nicholas (1965- )
Tuwim, Julian (1894-1953)
Łoziński, Jerzy (1947- )
Amsterdamski, Piotr (1955-2008)
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870)
Rosiński, Grzegorz (1941- )
Van Hamme, Jean (1939- )
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Child, Lee (1954- )
Jakuszewski, Michał (1958- )
Piotrowska, Eliza (1976- )
Rok wydania
2010 - 2019
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura angielska
Literatura szwajcarska
Wespazjan (cesarz rzymski ; 9-79)
Język angielski
Neron (cesarz rzymski ; 37-68)
Kaligula (cesarz rzymski ; 12-41)
Tyberiusz (cesarz rzymski ; 42 p.n.e.-37)
Sejan (20 p.n.e.-31)
Temat: czas
Temat: miejsce
Starożytny Rzym
Powieść historyczna
9 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Emperor of Rome / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2019. - 349 stron : mapa ; 24 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 9)
Rome, AD 67. Vespasian is tasked with the impossible: should he quell the revolt in Judaea, as the emperor Nero has instructed? If his conquest succeeds, he risks becoming the sole object of the emperor's jealousy. If he fails, then his punishment will be severe. But Nero has committed suicide. Sabinus, Vespasian's brother, is caught between the warring factions of Aulus Vitellius, a cruel opportunist, and the noble Marcus Salvius Otho, who finds himself severely outnumbered. Seeing no aid on the horizon, Sabinus must rely on wit to ensure the safety of his family. With a contested throne, now may finally be Vespasian's time - to ascend, to conquer, and to take control of Rome itself.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
False God of Rome / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2013. - 414, [16] stron : mapa ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 3)
AD 33: Vespasian is serving as a military officer on the outskirts of the Roman Empire, suppressing local troubles and defending the Roman way. But political events in Rome – Tiberius’s increasingly insane debauchery, the escalating grain crisis – draw him back to the city. When Caligula becomes Emperor, Vespasian believes that things will improve. Instead, he watches the young emperor deteriorate from Rome’s shining star to a blood-crazed, incestuous, all-powerful madman. Lavish building projects, endless games, public displays of his relationship with his sister, Drusilla, and a terrified senate are as nothing to Caligula’s most ambitious plan: to bridge the bay of Neapolis and ride over it wearing Alexander’s breastplate. And it falls to Vespasian to travel to Alexandria and steal it from Alexander’s mausoleum. Vespasian’s mission will lead to violence, mayhem and theft – and in the end, to a betrayal so great it will echo through the ages.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Furies of Rome / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2016. - 350 stron : mapa ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 7)
AD 58: Rome is in turmoil once more. Emperor Nero has surrounded himself with sycophants and together they rampage by night through the city, visiting death and destruction as they go. Meanwhile, Nero’s extravagance has reached new heights. The Emperor’s spending is becoming profligate at the same time as the demands of keeping the provinces subdued have become increasingly unaffordable. Could Nero withdraw from Britannia, and at what price for the Empire? As the bankers of the Empire scramble to call in their loans, Vespasian is sent to Londinium on a secret mission, only to become embroiled in a deadly rebellion led by Boudicca, a female warrior of extraordinary bravery. As the uprising gathers pace, Vespasian must fight to stay ahead of Rome’s enemies and complete his task- before all of Britannia burns.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Masters of Rome / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2015. - 432 strony : mapa ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 5)
Britannia, 45 AD: In the shadow of Stonehenge, Vespasian's brother, Sabinus, is captured by druids. The druids want to offer a potent sacrifice to their gods - not just one Roman Legate, but two. They know that Vespasian will come after his brother, and they plan to sacrifice the siblings on a summer's day. But to whom will they be making this sacrifice? What were the gods of this land before the Celts came? Only the druids still hold the secret and it is one of pure evil. Vespasian must strive to save his brother whilst completing the conquest of the haunted isle, before he is drawn inexorably back to Rome and the heart of Imperial politics. Claudius' three freedmen remain at the locus of power. As Messalina's time as Empress comes to a bloody end, the three freedmen each back a different mistress. But which woman will be victorious? And at what price for Vespasian?
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 szwed. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Rome's Executioner / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2012. - 384 strony : mapy ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 2)
Thracia, AD30: Even after four years military service at the edge of the Roman world, Vespasian can’t escape the tumultuous politics of an Empire on the brink of disintegration. His patrons in Rome have charged him with the clandestine extraction of an old enemy from a fortress on the banks of the Danube before it falls to the Roman legion besieging it. Vespasian’s mission is the key move in a deadly struggle for the right to rule the Roman Empire. The man he has been ordered to seize could be the witness that will destroy Sejanus, commander of the Praetorian Guard and ruler of the Empire in all but name. Before he completes his mission, Vespasian will face ambush in snowbound mountains, pirates on the high seas, and Sejanus’s spies all around him. But by far the greatest danger lies at the rotten heart of the Empire, at the nightmarish court of Tiberius, Emperor of Rome and debauched, paranoid madman.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Rome's Fallen Eagle / Robert Fabbri. - Wydanie 2. - London : Corvus, 2014. - 384 strony : mapa ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 4)
AD 41: Caligula has been assassinated and the Praetorian Guard have proclaimed Claudius Emperor - but his position is precarious. His three freedmen, Narcissus, Pallas and Callistus, must find a way to manufacture a quick victory for Claudius - but how? Pallas has the answer: retrieve the Eagle of the Seventeenth, lost in Germania nearly 40 years before. Who but Vespasian could lead a dangerous mission into the gloomy forests of Germania? Accompanied by a small band of cavalry, Vespasian and his brother try to pick up the trail of the Eagle. But they are tailed by hunters who pick off men each night and leave the corpses in their path. Someone is determined to sabotage Vespasian’s mission. In search of the Eagle and the truth, pursued by barbarians, Vespasian will battle his way to the shores of Britannia. Yet can he escape his own Emperor’s wrath?
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Rome's Lost Son / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2015. - 368 stron : mapa ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 6)
Rome, AD 51: Vespasian brings Rome’s greatest enemy before the Emperor. After eight years of resistance, the British warrior Caratacus has been caught. But even Vespasian’s victory cannot remove the newly-made consul from Roman politics: Agrippina, Emperor Claudius’s wife, pardons Caratacus. Claudius is a drunken fool and Narcissus and Pallas, his freedmen, are battling for control of his throne. Separately, they decide to send Vespasian East to Armenia to defend Rome’s interests. But there is more at stake than protecting a client kingdom. Rumours abound that Agrippina is involved in a plot to destabilise the East. Vespasian must find a way to serve two masters – Narcissus is determined to ruin Agrippina, Pallas to save her. Meanwhile, the East is in turmoil. A new Jewish cult is flourishing and its adherents refuse to swear loyalty to the Emperor. In Armenia, Vespasian is captured. Immured in the oldest city on earth, how can he escape? And is a Rome ruled by a woman who despises Vespasian any safer than a prison cell?
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Rome's Sacred Flame / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2018. - 347 stron : mapa ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 8)
Rome, AD 63. Vespasian has been ordered to a far-flung empire in Africa to free 200 Roman citizens who have been enslaved by a desert kingdom. But when Vespasian reaches the city, he discovers tensions spilling over into bloody chaos.... Battling thirst and exhaustion, Vespasian must help the Romans escape, their only route to survival a desperate race across a barren desert with a hoard of heavily armed rebels at their backs. Meanwhile, back in Rome, Rome's elite fear for their lives as Emperor Nero's extravagance goes unchecked. Can anyone stop the Emperor before Rome devours itself? And if Nero is to be toppled, who will be the one to put his head in the lion's mouth?
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Tribun of Rome / Robert Fabbri. - London : Corvus, 2011. - 496 stron : mapy ; 20 cm.
(Vespasian / Robert Fabbri ; 1)
26 AD: 16-year-old Vespasian leaves his family farm for Rome, his sights set on finding a patron and following his brother into the army, but he discovers a city in turmoil and an Empire on the brink. The aging emperor Tiberius is in seclusion on Capri, leaving Rome in the iron grip of Sejanus, commander of the Praetorian Guard. Sejanus is ruler of the Empire in all but name, but many fear that isn't enough for him. Sejanus' spies are everywhere—careless words at a dinner party can be as dangerous as a barbarian arrow. Vespasian is totally out of his depth, making dangerous enemies (and even more dangerous friends—like the young Caligula) and soon finds himself ensnared in a conspiracy against Tiberius. With the situation in Rome deteriorating, Vespasian flees the city to take up a position as tribune in an unfashionable legion on the Balkan frontier. Even here, rebellion is in the air and unblooded and inexperienced, Vespasian must lead his men in savage battle with hostile mountain tribes. Vespasian will soon realize that he can't escape Roman politics any more than he can escape his destiny.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
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