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Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Literatura faktu, eseje, publicystyka
Publikacje popularnonaukowe
Publikacje informacyjne
Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Mankell, Henning (1948-2015)
Fleming, Ian (1908-1964)
Fleming, Ian (1908-1964). James Bond (ang.)
Eco, Umberto (1932-2016)
Murakami, Haruki (1949- )
Nesbø, Jo (1960- )
Ransome, Arthur (1884-1967)
Ransome, Arthur (1884-1967). Swallows and Amazons (ang.)
Vonnegut, Kurt (1922-2007)
Bartlett, Don
Mitchell, Gladys (1901-1983)
Mitchell, Gladys (1901-1983). Mrs Bradley (ang.)
Rubin, Jay (1941- )
Arnaldur Indriðason (1961- )
Mankell, Henning (1948-2015). Kurt Wallander Mystery (ang.)
Munro, Alice (1931- )
Nesbø, Jo (1960- ). Harry Hole (ang.)
Gabriel, J. Philip (1953- )
Scudder, Bernard
Segerberg, Ebba
Thompson, Laurie
Thompson, Laurie (1938- )
Fossum, Karin (1954- )
Fossum, Karin (1954- ). Inspector Sejer (ang.)
Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961)
Murray, Steven T. (1943- )
Ackroyd, Peter (1949- )
Barslund, Charlotte
Birnbaum, Alfred
Cribb, Victiria
Flagg, Fannie (1944- )
Hill, Susan (1942- )
McEwen, Alastair (1950- )
Weaver, William (1923- )
Edwardson, Åke (1953- )
Edwardson, Åke (1953- ). An Inspector Winter Novel (eng.)
Felicity, David
Lodge, David (1935- )
Maugham, W. Somerset (1874-1965)
Tyler, Anne (1941- )
Anderson, Alison (tłumacz)
Arnaldur Indriðason (1961- ). Inspector Erlendur (ang.)
Barnes, Julian (1946- )
Beauvoir, Simone de (1908-1986)
Borde, Constance
Boulle, Pierre (1912-1994)
Carrière, Jean-Claude (1931- )
Cloud, Stanley
De Bernières, Louis (1954- )
Dixon, Richard
Eggers, Dave (1970- )
Fielding, Helen (1958- )
Fielding, Helen (1958- ). Bridget Jones's diary (ang.)
Fielding, Xan (1918-1991)
Fleming, Ian (1908-1964). 007 in New York (ang.)
Fleming, Ian (1908-1964). The Living Daylights (ang.)
Fleming, Ian (1908-1964). The Property of a Lady (ang.)
Gabriel, Philip
Gavalda, Anna (1970- )
Guiliano, Mireille (1946- )
Haddon, Mark (1962- )
Haley, Alex (1921-1992)
Harari, Yuval Noah (1976- )
Hedrickson, Paul
Heller, Joseph (1923-1999)
Hill, Susan (1942- ). Simon Serrailler (eng.)
Horowitz, Anthony (1955- )
Jacobson, Howard (1942- )
Judd, Alan
Lodge, David (1935- ). Changing Places (ang.)
Lodge, David (1935- ). Nice Work (ang.)
Lodge, David (1935- ). Small World (ang.)
Malovany-Chevallier, Sheila
McCarthy, Cormac (1933-2023)
McEwan, Ian (1948- )
McLauchlin, Martin
McLean, Polly
Modiano, Patrick (1945- )
Murakami, Haruki (1949- ). Autor
Naipaul, V. S. (1932-2018)
Nesbø, Jo (1960- ). Harry Hole thriller
Neville, Stuart (1972- )
O'Connor, Joseph Victor (1963- )
Olson, Lynne (1949- )
Pavić, Milorad (1929-2009)
Pribićević-Zorić, Christina
Pérez-Reverte, Arturo (1951- )
Roth, Philip (1933-2018)
Roth, Philip (1933-2018). American Pastoral (ang.)
Rowbotham, Sheila
Shields, Carol (1935-2003)
Smith, Neil
Soto, Sonia
Taylor, David John (1960- )
Verghese, Abraham (1955- )
Vonnegut, Mark
Walker, Alice (1944-)
Walker, Alice (1944-). Color Purple (ang.)
Wharton, Edith (1862-1937)
Wolfe, Tom (1931- )
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Wielka Brytania
Stany Zjednoczone
9-13 lat
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura angielska
Literatura amerykańska
Literatura szwedzka
Literatura norweska
Literatura japońska
Literatura islandzka
Literatura francuska
Literatura kanadyjska
Literatura włoska
Literatura irlandzka
Literatura isandzka
Literatura izraelska
Literatura serbska
Język angielski
Harry Hole (postać fikcyjna)
James Bond (postać fikcyjna)
Relacje międzyludzkie
II wojna światowa (1939-1945)
Pisarze amerykańscy
Wywiad angielski
Śledztwo i dochodzenie
Kurt Wallander (postać fikcyjna)
Ojcowie i synowie
Pamięć autobiograficzna
Trudne sytuacje życiowe
Wojna w Wietnamie (1955-1975)
Afera Watergate (1972-1974)
Amerykański sen
Antropologia społeczna
Atrakcyjność fizyczna
Badania archeologiczne
Bitwa o Anglię (1940)
Bliskie związki międzyludzkie
Bombardowanie Drezna (1945)
Branża beauty
Bridget Jones (postać fikcyjna)
Chaucer, Geoffrey (ca 1342-1400)
Determinizm i indeterminizm
Dialog międzyreligijny
Doradcy personalni
Działalność charytatywna
Elita ekonomiczna
Elita społeczna
Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961)
Jeńcy wojenni
Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804)
Klasztory (budynki)
Konwersja religijna
Kradzież z włamaniem
Kuchnia francuska
Lotnictwo wojskowe
Marzenia senne
Mistyfikacja literacka
Myśli natrętne
Obyczaje i zwyczaje
Ojcowie i córki
Ojczymowie i pasierbowie
Osoby zaginione
Pamięć epizodyczna
Pisarze japońscy
Pochodzenie człowieka
Podróże w czasie
Podwójni agenci
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)
Temat: czas
100-1 p.n.e.
200-101 p.n.e.
300-201 p.n.e.
400-301 p.n.e.
500-401 p.n.e.
600-501 p.n.e.
700-601 p.n.e.
800-701 p.n.e.
do 801 p.n.e.
Temat: miejsce
Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Tokio (Japonia)
Afryka Wschodnia
Bronx (Nowy Jork ; część miasta)
Elmwood Springs (Stany Zjednoczone, stan Missouri ; miasto fikcyjne)
Hongkong (Chiny)
Londyn (Wielka Brytania)
Mediolan (Włochy)
Missouri (Stany Zjednoczone ; stan)
Newark (Stany Zjednoczone, stan New Jersey)
Nowy Jork (Stany Zjednoczone)
Powieść obyczajowa
Powieść przygodowa
Opowiadania i nowele obyczajowe
Powieść historyczna
Powieść angielska
Opowiadania i nowele
Powieść psychologiczna
Szkice literackie włoskie
Opowiadanie kanadyjskie
Powieść włoska
Wydawnictwa popularne
Pamiętniki i wspomnienia
Science fiction
Powieść hiszpańska
Powieść irlandzka
Powieść kanadyjska
Powieść polityczna
Przepisy kulinarne
Publicystyka włoska
Relacja z podróży
Saga rodzinna
Szkice literackie francuskie
Dziedzina i ujęcie
Socjologia i społeczeństwo
Etnologia i antropologia kulturowa
163 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
Chaucer : Brief Lives / Peter Ackroyd. - Wydanie 2. - London : Vintage Books, 2005. - XVI, 175 stron : ilustracje ; 20 cm.
Index s. 170-175.
Geoffrey Chaucer enjoyed an eventful life, serving with the Duke of Clarence and with Edward III. Through his wife, Philippa, he gained the patronage of John of Gaunt, which helped him carve out a career at Court. His official posts included Controller of Customs at the Port of London, Knight of the Shire for Kent, and King's Forester. He went on numerous adventurous diplomatic missions to France and Italy, and in 1359 was taken prisoner in France and ransomed. He began to write in the 1360s, and his masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, dominated the last part of his life. He died in 1400. Peter Ackroyd's short biography, rich in drama and colour, evokes the medieval world of London and Kent, and provides an entertaining introduction to Chaucer's poetry
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 929 Chaucer G. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Fall of Troy / Peter Ackroyd. - London : Vintage Books, 2007. - 215 stron ; 20 cm.
Sophia Chrysanthis is initially dazzled when the celebrated German archaeologist, Herr Obermann, comes in search of a Greek bride who can read the works of Homer and assist in his excavations of the city he believes is Ancient Troy. But Obermann's past turns out to be full of skeletons and when a young American arrives to question the archeologist's methods and dies of a mysterious fever, Sophia wonders just how far he will go to protect his vision of Troy. Soon a second, British, archeologist arrives, only to fall in love with Sophia, and as their relationship begins to parallel their Ancient Greek counterparts events move towards a gripping and terrible conclusion.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Poe : A Life Cut Short / Peter Ackroyd. - London : Vintage Books, 2008. - 170 stron : ilustracje ; 20 cm.
Index na stronach 164-170.
Heralded as a genius, the forerunner of modern fantasy and credited with the invention of the psychological drama, science fiction and the detective story , Edgar Allan Poe had a life as dramatic and tragic as his art. Poe's life was dominated by dying women; his mother died of consumption when he was only two, his stepmother when he was twenty, and his wife, Virginia, died of the same disease and at the same age as his mother. As Ackroyd brilliantly shows, it was these deaths, together with his miserable childhood, that led to such dark and dazzling tales as 'The Fall of the House of Usher' and 'Berenice', although it was wiht the publication of 'The Raven' that the writer finally ahcieved the recognition of which he dreamed. Success couldn't save him from himself, however, and he was dead by the age of forty, his final days as mysterious as much of his writing. Poe was an extraordinary writer and in Peter Ackroyd, he has found his perfect biographer.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 929 Poe E. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Tytuł oryginału: Vetraborgin.
Inspector Erlendur Novel / Arnaldur Indriđason ; 7
A dark-skinned young boy is found dead, frozen to the ground in a pool of his own blood. The boy's Thai half-brother is missing; is he implicated, or simply afraid for his own life? While fears increase that the murder could have been racially motivated, the police receive reports that a suspected paedophile has been spotted in the area. Detective Erlendur's investigation soon unearths the tension simmering beneath the surface of Iceland's outwardly liberal, multi-cultural society while the murder forces Erlendur to confront the tragedy in his own past.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 islan. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Tytuł oryginału: Kleifarvatn.
Inspector Erlendur Novel / Arnaldur Indriđason ; 6
A brilliant new mystery from the winner of the CWA Gold Dagger and Indridason's best book yet. In the wake of an earthquake, the water level of an Icelandic lake drops suddenly, revealing the skeleton of a man half-buried in its sandy bed. It is clear immediately that it has been there for many years. There is a large hole in the skull. Yet more mysteriously, a heavy communication device is attached to it, possibly some sort of radio transmitter, bearing inscriptions in Russian. The police are called in and Erlendur, Elinborg and Sigurdur Olii begin their investigation, which gradually leads them back to the time of the Cold War when bright, left-wing students would be sent from Iceland to study in the 'heavenly state' of Communist East Germany.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 islan. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Inspector Erlendur / Arnaldur Indriđason ; 8)
Tytuł oryginału: Harđskafi.
Inspector Erlunder has spent his entire career struggling to evade the ghosts of his past. But ghosts are visiting him, both in the form of a séance attended by a dead woman and also in the reemerging puzzle of two young people who went missing 30 years ago. And there’s the ghost of the detective’s disastrous marriage, which, despite the pleas of his drug-addled daughter, he is unwilling to confront. In addition, he’s still obsessed with the disappearance of his brother, who vanished without a trace when they were boys. He can only run from his ghosts for so long, and, when they finally catch up with him, Erlunder is forced to face the heart shattering truth of his past. One of the most haunting crime novels readers are likely to encounter this year or any other, this is classic story that belongs on the shelf of every serious reader of suspense fiction. Hypothermia will chill you to the bone.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 islan. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Tytuł oryginału: Mýrin.
Inspector Erlendur Novel / Arnaldur Indriđason ; 3
A man is found murdered in his Reykjavik flat. There are no obvious clues apart from a cryptic note left on the body and a photograph of a young girl's grave. Detective Erlendur is forced to use all the forensic resources available to find any leads at all. Delving into the dead man's life he discovers that forty years ago he was accused of an appalling crime. Did his past come back to haunt him? Erlendur's search leads him to Iceland's Genetic Research Centre in order to find the disturbing answers to the mystery. This prize-winning international bestseller is the first in a new series of crime novels set in Iceland.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 islan. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Tytuł oryginału: Napoleonsskjőlin.
In 1945, a German bomber crash-lands in Iceland during a blizzard. Puzzlingly, there are both German and American officers on board. One of the senior German officers claims that their best chance of survival is to try to walk to the nearest farm. He sets off, a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist, only to disappear into the white vastness... Flash forward to the present. The U.S. Army is clandestinely trying to remove the wreck of an airplane from an Icelandic glacier. A young Icelander, Elías, inadvertently stumbles upon the excavation and then promptly disappears. But before he vanishes, he manages to contact his sister, Kristín. She embarks on a thrilling and perilous adventure, determined to discover the truth of her brother's fate―and solve the riddle of Operation Napoleon.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 islan. Thr. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Tytuł oryginału: Grafarpőgn.
Inspector Erlendur Novel / Arnaldur Indriđason ; 4
Building work in an expanding Reykjavík uncovers a shallow grave. Years before, this part of the city was all open hills, and Erlendur and his team hope this is a typical Icelandic missing person scenario; perhaps someone once lost in the snow, who has lain peacefully buried for decades. Things are never that simple. Whilst Erlendur struggles to hold together the crumbling fragments of his own family, his case unearths many other tales of family pain. The hills have more than one tragic story to tell: tales of failed relationships and heartbreak; of anger, domestic violence and fear; of family loyalty and family shame. Few people are still alive who can tell the story, but even secrets taken to the grave cannot remain hidden forever.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 islan. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Tytuł oryginału: Röddin.
Inspector Erlendur Novel / Arnaldur Indriđason ; 5
The Christmas rush is under way in a big Reykjavik hotel when the police are called to the scene of a murder. The hotel doorman (and long-time resident of its basement) has been stabbed to death. With the hotel fully booked, the manager is desperate to keep the murder under wraps and his reputation intact. Detectives Erlendur and Sigurdur Oli discover that the dead man had had a childhood brush with fame and that two old 45s on which he had sung have become prized collectors’ items. Estranged from his family for decades, why had the man continued to pay secret visits to his boyhood home? As Detective Elinborg investigates a separate case of child abuse, and Erlendur continues to struggle both with his troubled family relationships and the ghosts of his own youth, their parallel stories probe deeper into the riddle of this latest Reykjavik Murder Mystery.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 islan. S. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Sense of an Ending / Julian Barnes. - Wydanie 2. - London : Vintage Books, 2012. - [2], 150 stron ; 20 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Anthony Webster, sześćdziesięciolatek, przyjaźnił się w młodości z niezwykle inteligentnym Adrianem. Poróżniła ich kobieta. Po latach Anthony otrzymuje nieoczekiwany spadek, odkrywając sekret, który na zawsze zmąci mu dobre samopoczucieů Jeden z najwybitniejszych współczesnych brytyjskich pisarzy jak nikt potrafi zestawiać intrygującą fabułę, fakty, fikcję i refleksje dotyczące kwestii najważniejszych. Tym razem, opowiadając o pewnej tajemnicy, snuje rozważania o istocie przyjaźni, miłości, wyrzutach sumienia i sensie samobójstwa.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. O. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Vintage Classics)
Tytuł oryginału: Le deuxieme sexe.
Simone de Beauvoir famously wrote, 'One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman'. In this groundbreaking work of feminism she examines the limits of female freedom and explodes our deeply ingrained beliefs about femininity. Liberation, she argues, entails challenging traditional perceptions of the social relationship between the sexes and, crucially, in achieving economic independence. Drawing on sociology, anthropology and biology, The Second Sex is as important and relevant today as when it was first published in 1949.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 316 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
1942: Boldly advancing through Asia, the Japanese need a train route from Burma going north. In a prison camp, British POWs are forced into labor. The bridge they build will become a symbol of service and survival to one prisoner, Colonel Nicholson, a proud perfectionist. Pitted against the warden, Colonel Saito, Nicholson will nevertheless, out of a distorted sense of duty, aid his enemy. While on the outside, as the Allies race to destroy the bridge, Nicholson must decide which will be the first casualty: his patriotism or his pride.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 franc. PH. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Captain Corelli's Mandolin / Louis De Berniéres. - London : Vintage Books, 1995. - [6], 534 strony ; 20 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
It is 1941 and Captain Antonio Corelli, a young Italian officer, is posted to the Greek island of Cephallonia as part of the occupying forces. At first he is ostracised by the locals, but as a conscientious but far from fanatical soldier, whose main aim is to have a peaceful war, he proves in time to be civilised, humorous - and a consummate musician. When the local doctor's daughter's letters to her fiancé - a member of the underground - go unanswered, the working of the eternal triangle seems inevitable. But can this fragile love survive as a war of bestial savagery gets closer and the lines are drawn between invader and defender?
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 ang. PO. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
A totally compelling journey into a lost world - a masterpiece' Sunday Telegraph An extraordinary epic, brilliantly-imagined, new novel from a world-class writer and author of The Name of the Rose. Discover the Middle Ages with Baudolino - a wondrous, dazzling, beguiling tale of history, myth and invention. It is 1204, and Constantinople is being sacked and burned by the knights of the fourth Crusade. Amid the carnage and confusion Baudolino saves a Byzantine historian and high court official from certain death at the hands of the crusading warriors, and proceeds to tell his own fantastical story.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 włos. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Holography, wax museums, the secret meaning of spectator sports, Superman and the intellectual effects of over-tight jeans are just a few of the subjects covered in this collection of witty, entertaining and thought-provoking delights from Umberto Eco, celebrated author of The Name of the Rose.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-4 włos. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Embracing the web of multi-culturalism that has become a fact of contemporary life from New York to New Delhi, Eco argues that we are more connected to people of other traditions and customs than ever before, making tolerance the ultimate value in today's world. What good, he asks in a talk delivered during the Gulf War, does war do in a world where the flow of goods, services, and information is unstoppable, and the enemy is always behind the lines? What makes news today, who decides how it will be presented and how does the way it is disseminated contribute to the widespread disillusionment with politics in general? In one of the most personal of the essays, Eco recalls experiencing liberation from fascism in Italy as a boy, and examines the various historical forms of fascism, always with an eye toward such ugly manifestations today. And finally, in an intensely personal open letter to an Italian Cardinal, Eco reflects on a question underlying all the reflections in the book - what does it mean to be moral or ethical when one doesn't believe in God? As thoughtful and subtle as they are pragmatic and relevant, these essays present one of the world's most important thinkers at the height of his critical powers.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-4 włos. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Foucault's Pendulum / Umberto Eco. - London : Vintage Books, 2001. - XIV, 641 s. : il. ; 20 cm.
Three book editors, jaded by reading far too many crackpot manuscripts on the mystic and the occult, are inspired by an extraordinary conspiracy story told to them by a strange colonel to have some fun. They start feeding random bits of information into a powerful computer capable of inventing connections between the entries, thinking they are creating nothing more than an amusing game, but then their game starts to take over, the deaths start mounting, and they are forced into a frantic search for the truth.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 włos. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Between a bottle of Epsom salts or one of twenty-year-old cognac, which would you choose? Would you rather spend your vacation with an eighty-year old leper or with Demi Moore? Do you prefer being sprinkled with ferocious red ants or sharing a sleeping compartment with Claudia Schiffer?' From the celebrated author of The Name of the Rose, here is a dazzling compendium of advice offering the correct answers to these and many other important questions. Tackling topics as diverse as the coffee pot from hell, eating on an aeroplane, how not to use a cellular phone and recognising porn movies, Umberto Eco guides us with all his customary wit and brilliance through the complexities of the modern world.
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Dembowskiego 12 (W131)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-4 włos. (1 egz.)
W koszyku
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana / Umberto Eco ; Translated from the Italian by Geoffrey Brock. - London : Vintage Books, 2006. - [2], 458 stron : ilustracje kolorowe, fotografie ; 20 cm.
In this fascinating, abundant novel from the incomparable Eco, Yambo, a rare-book dealer, has suffered a bizarre form of memory loss. He can remember every book he has ever read but nothing about his own life. In an effort to retrieve his past, he withdraws to his old family home and searches through the boxes of old newspapers, comics, records, photo albums and diaries kept in the attic. And so Yambo relives his youth: Mussolini, Catholic education, Josephine Baker, Flash Gordon, Fred Astaire. His memories run wild, and life racing before his eyes takes the form of a graphic novel. Yambo struggles through the frames to capture one simple, innocent image, that of his first love.
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